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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-11-23编辑:hynh1021点击率:6451

论文字数:20900论文编号:org201211212232571489语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66





      Chapter 1 Introduction引言
  With the advanced economic development around world as well as the reform andopening up in China,tourism in China has been blooming since 1978, especially in theancient city-Xi,an. Hui Alley is the hub of Muslim community in Xi'an city, Shaanxiprovince. Located beside the Drum Tower, it was built in Sui Dynasty with 500 meterslong from south to north, which is famous for Muslim food, snacks, folk art andexquisite souvenirs. It has attracted 776.000 foreign tourists each year and a largenumber of foreign tourists would throng in alley. Peak tourist season lasts from June toOctober. As the frequent transaction increases between the shop owner andinternational tourist, https://www.51lunwen.org/zwwhlw/org201211212232571489.html a contact language would take form inevitably.In this study, Hui Alley Pidgin English, which belongs to a contact language ofsociolinguistics. originates from the conversation between foreign tourists and shopowners during their frequent transactions, with its vocabulary from the supcrstratclanguage- English and grammatical structure and phonological rules transferred fromthe substrate language- Chinese. More importantly, it embodies the vast usage ofdeictic gesture and the Muslim culture.
  1.1 Research orientation研究发现
 This study aims to document the developmental path and holistic features of HuiAlley Pidgin English, i.e., linguistic, dcictic gesture, as well as cthnic features, from asocio-cultural theory put forwarded by Mikhail Bakhtin (1981,1986).Bakhtin (1986:64) defines language community in the following way:A particular function (scientific, technical,commentarial, business, everyday) andthe particular conditions of speech communities specific for each sphere gi\'e rise toparticular genres, that is, certain relatively stable thematic, compositional, and stylistictypes of utterance.Bakhtin (1981:297) clarifies this unique feature and provides the thcorctical1backdrop:The dialogic orientation of discourse is a phenomenon that is, of course, aproperty of any discourse. On all its various routes toward the object, in all itsdirections, the word encounters cm alien word and cannot help encountering it in aliving, tension-filled interaction. Only the mythical Adam, who approached a virginaland as yet verbally unqualified world with the first word, could really have escapedfrom start to finish this dialogic intcr-orientation with the alien word that occurs in theobject.The conversation below is just for the purpose of business communication and aspecial genre of its own has been formed, for example, in a paper-cut shop:T: You know I have two children adopted from China.S: Hm, HmT; You know adopted?S: Adot, adot. Ah, yeah? (Confused facial expression)T: Adopt means we-have-two-Chinese-giiis. (With long interval卜S: Ah, Yes! Na jiu shi shou yang ma!(那就是收养嘛丨)yes, adot shou yang (收养)(in a delighted manner).From the conversation, we can clearly see how the shop owner learns Englishfrom international tourists with eccentric pronunciation, and furthermore it proves thatthe shop owner has a limited amount of vocabulary. If their conversation expands to afield rather than doing business, he would have difficulty in understanding what theinternational tourist is talking about. Thus, it also explores whether Hui Alley PidginEnglish would be fossilized via a long论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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